How to be a Top-Ranked Event on Townscript?

“Why is my event not visible at the top?”

Balaji Prasad
Townscript Product


tl;dr: “If your event looks good and is doing well, it will automatically come out at the top!”

Photo by Austris Augusts on Unsplash

It’s totally in your hands to be a top-ranked event on the listing and home pages. Here’s the high-level gist of the algorithm we use to compute your event’s rank score.

We compute scores of all live events on our platform once in every 24 hours. The better the rank of an event, the better it’s position will be on listings.

  1. Good Content: Some of the organizers do not fill out all the information fields. It is crucial to have good images, name and description filled out. Events that do not have images or descriptions will not be shown at the top.
  2. Pageviews: The more page views your event has, the better it gets. There might be different sources of page views — social media sharing, organic clicks, clicks from listing pages, from emails etc. You need to do all the things possible to make your event go wide.
  3. Tickets Sold: Number of tickets also sold matters. If people are buying your event, that means it deserves to be in a better position.
  4. Rate of Tickets Sold: There might be events which have a massive number of tickets and others comparatively small. Therefore, relying only on the tickets sold parameter will not be fair. Here’s where the rate of tickets sold will come into the picture — the average number of tickets sold in the last seven days.
  5. Event Proximity: The closer your event end date, the more we push your event :)

This is just a sneak-peak of our approach. It has more stuff going on under the hood, and it will get better and smarter with more data and will include parameters like content quality, organizer score (history) etc. in the near future.

We aim to help organizers (who want to sell tickets) and users (who want to find better events) as well in the best possible way to reach their goals.

